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The main research area of Matheus originally was physics. This area has always remained in the company's research spirit. Currently, we can see that the published documents remain an adventure into the deepest roots of physics.

While these documents do not touch the scientific vocabulary approved by man and woman everybody, we rightly seek to differentiate ourselves by looking at niches of physics which we hope to be the pioneers to trigger the spirit of leadership in Matheus and thereby become a world leader in scientific advancement.

Finally, address the environmental problems currently facing due to the use of certain technologies. Matheus fortunate attribute to review certain dogmas of science to make it more sensitive to the impacts it may have now.

The approach of Matheus in order to solve these problems is to start with a new basis.


Originally, these newspapers were intended for the U.S. Army and the CIA, but they did not give feedback, so we assume that they were not really interested. Never mind, this research is a source of improvement in the understanding of science. They divulge hidden truths about physics, economics, marketing, and psychology. Although I am not surprised that the Army is not seduced by this research, because there is a lot of competition between companies and few succeed in a few words. It is a question of weighing each word carefully. This research is short, but it gives an opening to various subjects of understanding in these 4 categories.

Updated: 2022-08-21

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Scientific (The) Journals

In this document you will find a breakthrough in science in the field of physics. We believe that every system is governed by a rule which we expose the form in this document. The elementary rules are there to demonstrate how nature in its mysterious splendor may as well be governed by rules. This publication is the completion of several years of physics research and the synthesis of which has allowed us to understand that the rules have a gradual evolution in the form we write them and allow us to understand better where a rule in physics is elaborated in order to clarify any Mathiaser in physics.

Updated: 2015-04-05

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Elementary rules

Time is often taken for a non-existent element as if we were continually affected by the mechanical aspect that surrounds us. Indeed, time may seem mechanical since at the bottom the movement and time form a parallelism that we explain inside of this document. Time is presented to you under different concepts relating to time which helps to conceptualize time as an element, not tangible, but still as existing in a certain way. In short, we will convince you to kindly see time as an element doing actions on other elements of physics.

Updated: 2014-02-23

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Time element

The Endless is a niche of physics studies which studies how the origin of things there was could simultaneously exist unless there is something almost nothing. And also, the Endless is the parallel with the symmetries, so what makes the Endless helps better understand the symmetries at the same time it opens a door to the study of which necessarily does not exist, but therefore there could one day exists somehow studying more deeply the physical elements.

Updated: 2013-09-17

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Secret of endless

Symmetries is a new science that facilitates the work of understanding on various elements of physics. You will see that from the simple mathematical application we can develop many concepts and so studying physics as a whole by applying a study about the theorem of symmetry. Also seen as a niche of science, the study of symmetries reveals a lot.

Updated: 2013-09-17

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Secret of symmetries

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