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The elementary rules

Elementary rules
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The elementary rules
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Updated: 2015-04-05

Created: 2014-07-19

Type: Document

Rule 1 – How to write a rule

The study of symmetries and endless will lead the author to choose to develop rules. The rules are tools to advance the understanding of things around us, but mostly, they can open doors to new technologies and knowledge.

The development of a rule is not a simple task, because here the most important thing is not the amount of rule that Mathiasers, it is rather whether the rule is laborious and reflects an important meaning for the purposes of science.

The rules are tools like a periodic table is a tool for the chemist, the rules are additional tools that guide scientists in the right direction. The rules will frame the work of researchers who want to use them and also develop new ones.

The rules are high-level understandings supported by the fact that the author found parallelism is a way to write about what parallelism brings about understanding symmetries. Since it is obvious that the first rules will be the hardest to find, but will experience the researcher who will realize the way to understandings even higher level than previously found, and so on.

In physics, a rule is not a measure of conduct. In physics, the rule must be parallel to a behavior or characteristic that this rule clearly established the link between the inside and outside of the behavior or characteristic.

It's not easy to find rules. But think about what a rule may give you. Then it is certain that with this document, you will be more fully informed about the rules that we can create. Exactly, first think about what your creative talents bring. This is how your rules are from what you bring to them in creativity. But as it is a rule, it is not enough to be creative, but also to become attentive to detail.

The depth is what we need to explore when it comes to finding rules. As you have to be careful in every detail, you will need also to manage the depth of a rule. More a rule is depth more it is useful.

Exhaust his ideas means to ensure that idea useful. Sometimes you have to pay tribute to the ideas that come to mind and place them somewhere. Thus, it must be given the opportunity to set in motion his ideas. But more specifically, to exhaust his ideas is to let the researcher to speak freely. We can live in confusing when will they be the best opportunities to express them, but precisely it is necessary to learn to be structured in order to manage a lot of ideas to find a place somewhere for each of them (ideas).

When we move our ideas, we keep a vacuum or an effort to do (because of loss), and that is precisely there that comes new ideas. That's the benefit of exhausting his ideas.

To return to the rules, the fact of his ideas exhaust allows to see that a rule does not depend on the number of ideas, but those who have the greatest effect. So you will see that sometimes unsuspected ideas have great effects. So is a rule, it produces an invader effect on knowledge so that it allows to see the parallel between everything it touches.

In a rule, there is no hierarchy. There is no general idea of introduction. The introduction should be used to present the initial concept of the rule. So in the introduction, we begin to explain the rule.

A rule is written as if we wrote a grocery list, except that instead of a list of foods is a key explanation list that is used to understand the rule and know what to which it can do. The reason you have to write a rule list is simply because in a rule, the list items are considered as forms clause.

Obviously, we can list the components of the rule and explain each element by separating them with section numbers. What we must consider is that we must not create a hierarchy by creating subsections. Thus, the rule is read as a procedure if we see it as that.

A rule requires a lot of resources as ideas and as concentration, meditation (reflection), experience, etc., to be developed. So to develop a rule, you have to engage in lengthy reflections on where we need to close and intense efforts. It's like a training to become an athlete, this is not the first comer in the field of physics that is able to write rules, because the rules are strong. This reason, it is also necessary to recharge and do not take the task lightly.

A rule is complex in itself, it must be strong and free of defects, the best we can do. So, meditation is an essential way of life to learn to always do better and always evolve mentally. Having ideas is one thing, but have deep ideas, it is another thing. Meditation on science should provide support to the design of rules.

A rule is not exactly a simple list. The more we advance in the list must seem more complex. Thus, it is as one would say a form of integrated rule. The integrated rule that is causing the study of endless, here "endless" does not mean unlimited, this means that we add to the complexity within our means as we evolve. Thus, when a rule is written, sooner or later it will become more and more complex. The level of complexity can increase endless. The rule never knows the end in complexity, but is not done overnight. Obviously it will take time to develop rules more and more complex.

This is how we earn with writing rules. And it is important to consider the aspect that the components of the rule must never be forgotten by the reader, else the rule has a flaw. We must work with a limited number of rule, the important thing is to win by the complexity of rules and not with quantity.

When people compose information, they fall into the trap of natural theoretical bubble. As its name suggests, the creation of a bubble is inflating a subject that is intended to amuse the reader and also his own composer. The bubble is a trap by either because it does not exceed the expectations of the main subject that has been established by a plan before its composition. Thus, subjects that are called "information rich" still retains its position until the follower decides to go to something new. This is mainly as companies make in marketing often, they build images that are actually bubbles.

With the rule, we do not have information bubble. We do not hang around to explain something or want something to last as long as possible. The purpose of the rule is to move to a higher step forward in the reading of a rule, and in order to overcome the information gathering part to move towards a synthesis that actually leads to something. As long as we have not reached that stage, the rule is not complete, we will need to advance further in the main subject of the rule.

To remember
  1. The rule is intended to avoid the theoretical bubble, knowing that with a rule, we can move deeper into the subject toward a synthesis that is not a main idea, but an extra element on the subject that leads to at least one key concept. That's why we write a rule as a list, and evolving to the last elements of the list, we have the key concepts.

  2. In connection with Rule 2 (the rallying point), the writing of a rule is also to find the center of the subject: to find what the reason to be of a subject.

Figure 1 – Poetry and application of the rules

Figure 1 – Poetry and application of the rules

Artistic view

* The original version in French of this poem has rhymes.

1 See document "The secret of Symmetries" (Doc# PHY-0011-v1-EN).
2 See document "The secret of the Endless" (Doc# PHY-0012-v1-EN).
3 See document "The time element" (Doc# PHY-0013-v1-EN), chapter 3.

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Rule 2 – The rallying point

The rallying point is a rule related to the central aspect, because the center of something is the rallying point. The center can be seen in all forms of systems. But it is in itself a very broad subject of study. Here it is a question of developing a rule that recalls the central aspect can be found in everything, almost.

Given the universal point of view, the center is a mystery, but if we develop a rule, several mysteries are resolved about the center. This is explained because instead of seeing some mysterious things, we have as an explanation, the existence of the center. If we keep in mind that the rules which govern the universe, then we do not need to go too far with any explanations and evidence. So we find our answers about how some things with a rule, and if there were other unresolved elements, then it is certainly because there is a different rule regarding your inquiry. Remember that the rules (also synonymous of "symmetries"), as explained in the document "The strength of the Masters" (Doc# WIS-0002-v3-EN, section 1), operate in framing all by itself all other rules, and this was the important feature to topics symmetries.

The center of something is always the prerequisite to correctly identify this center, you can learn by reading the document "The element of time" (Doc # PHY-0013-v1-EN, Section 1.3). As explained in this document, the center of a clock can be needles or its envelope.

If we have a hierarchy chart for example, the center must be the item to the top of the hierarchy, and the absolute center of the hierarchical chart is the first element of the hierarchy. However, the rule is to always reinforce the elements of the top of the hierarchy down, as if we took the example of watercourses, if the first at the top of this hierarchy element is the river, while the river is wider than a stream. And following this sense, the central elements are always larger so that it can contain the sub-elements of the hierarchy.

Then we have to explain the parallel created by the center. In the case of a hierarchy, this is not the top item that is the absolute center, but what united all hierarchies. If you take the example of the snowflake, each branch represents a hierarchy, and the absolute center is one that is created by assembling geometrically all branches (hierarchies). Thus, we find the core not by hierarchy, but the geometry formed by the hierarchy.

The geometry is what form in this rule the absolute center of something.

This has been shown with the document "The power of symmetries" (Doc # WIS-0001-v3-EN), we could make stretch what seems full. In the example of laws, the law is a symmetry, so a center, while in the words we can find flaws and this is due to the fact that the "endless" (see document "The secret of Endless" doc # PHY-0012-EN-v1) is proved by the fact that at the same time the flaw exists (looking ahead) and, simultaneously, the flaw does not exist (looking in the present).

So in each system that seems complete, you can find flaws. So you can continuously improve any system. When undertaking something, it is best to always consolidate improvements to understand and not remain passive in front obsolescence. If every time an improvement was studied in depth to deduce any guideline that should be taken into account, then these guidelines would prevent us to find flaws often there would be fewer flaws in the course of the continuous improvement.

The center is so, it globalizes its internal structure, and thus to have a strong center, we must also globalize (with guidelines) each found flaw. This will make a stronger center, and as the center is not hit, then the system is never obsolete.

The truth is somewhat of a rarity that slowly acquired through time. Thus, to make you a representation of the majority existence of lying compared to the truth, we must give you an example of "endless". Using a random number generator that represents a pixel (colored spot) in a computer image, and by repeating this process for all pixels of the image, assume that each image is different. Of course, we can assume that generated images from all places, of all things, all beings, etc. Since in reality, as explained in the document "The secret of Endless" (Doc # PHY-0012-v1-EN), the reality as we know it already exists, but at the same time it does not exist. And as in the example of the random image generator, all possible images of all places, all times, all beings in all possible perspectives to take these pictures with a camera already exists with the generator random image in theory. But obviously, there are so many possibilities that even the best generator of hazard, with the most powerful computers could never get to the end.

In theory, suppose we circled a picture with this random image generator, assume that it is representative of a place that we have already seen, for example, imagine that this is a photo showing you and a celebrity you want to be involved. So how would you be really sure that's your future? You could never know in this, so here we are with a large variety of unreal lies, and the chances of this actually is the truth are thin in the infinite possibilities.

The path of truth is not looking undertakes all the possibilities available to you. Truth is always rare. It has great value. What great value must somehow be part of our core strategic values. These core values should be by which beings rally so that truth occupies first place. Thus must be a central value, it must be true and not theoretically probable.

The age of the elements of a system is important. Thus, to recognize the center of something, simply find its oldest member.

The center may also have the circle shape instead of a point. Like a tree, the oldest element is its bark, as a planet, its bark is also its center.

We need to build the center and not with the strength of another form of structure, because ultimately the real basis is the center. So that the center becomes the oldest item. When we want a solid foundation, it will still consider create these bases by an element that will become the center of what we create.

To remember
  1. Any form of structure that was not designed by a center will sooner or later become weaker. The secret to a lasting structure is to continually focus the elements of the structure with a center. The center of a structure thus eventually became the oldest item.

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Rule 3 – The natural balance

In reality, we visualize things and we try to understand the most of what we can learn from these things. However, there is a flaw in that we seek to understand and what we see. The flaw is that whatever is inside is found outside and everything that is outside can be found inside. For example, you could say it is the atom that forms your body and you could also say that it's your body that positions the atoms to a defined site. These two statements are true. What makes these statements true is the natural balance rule.

To help us understand better natural balance, we can also mention some questions that we can do, as the relationship between man and woman who make a child, the atom that forms the planet and the planet that moves the atom in the solar system, the positive pole of electricity which absorbs the negative pole and the negative pole which in turn fed the positive pole, the reader who is interested in reading and composer who is interested in showing his works, etc. All these examples are from the natural balance rule. From the perspective of the systematic implementation of balance, we must see this rule as already existing and effective for understanding how nature in its complexity, roles filled by itself.

The balance is not just the function of an isolated element, it is everywhere and in everything that ultimately joins any things, component, etc. The balance is in all the splendor that nature as a human, as plant or astral can take. So is the balance, it is not only located in any part of something, it is everywhere. Balance is what ultimately shape the standard of everything.

For a rule, protective limitations are those created by the sequences. Thus, the sequential aspect is not only useful to create items enumerations, but also serves to delimit each sequence.

The natural balance is to find sequences to create limits. Thus, the bacteria will be of similar size, as birds are also in general, also taking into account the size of the atoms of different elements of Mathiaser that are of similar size, etc. So here we are that we find everywhere sequences creating natural limits.

Nature protects with sequential aspect that we find it. Each limit is a form of protection which establishes the natural balance.

The protective limitations teach us how important it is to consider not only the values or results, but the way that we found them.

Finally, after learning that the sequence (from symmetries) acted as limit, we now learn that the geometry (outcome of endless) was the balance with the sequences. For we must remember that what form the balance is what will fill something. So is geometry, it is what fills the sequences in their existence.

The balance is not to limit something, but to allow everything to be able to bathe in something.

We can observe around us all geometric shapes. Geometry is something imposing in our lives. But geometry is essential because it measures. The geometry is what creates the balance. If things bathe them, it's just a basic tip for there may be a measure. But there are lots of way to measure this is to find them.

To remember
  1. The balance is to first bathe something in a second something, and do something this second swim in that first something in turn. This is explained that even by the macro, it is included this macro is used to house the micro and micro serves to expand this macro.

  2. Geometry serves as a measure. So if the elements are bathed in others it is a way of measuring. And there are other methods for measuring with the geometry, it remains for us to discover them. The purpose of the balance by the geometry is allow the measurement of anything.

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Rule 4 – The gradient

If God created the first rule, what would it be? Well, if there were ingredients that God did not just used to build this world, it would isolate elements by changing the order, pushing them to a depth. Thus was born the first rule perhaps without God has thought in the moment that this rule was created, the rule of the gradient. The gradient is understood by if we put an air bubble in the bottom of the water, she would eventually resurface. Here we understand that the first rule was created by pure innocence, not knowing God suddenly what he had created, but the bubble could have been a powerful force in intelligent chaotic time, which was isolated in any depth. Thus we assume that the first rule was created so that now this rule has spread in nature, and thus the same form the gravity of a planet, would be degraded.

Therefore, the gradient is not a mixture of elements. We understand with chemistry, take water for example, it is a composition of hydrogen and oxygen. It is 2 gas are light, but together they sink. When an element is isolated, there is an order in which the element is positioned. Even the hierarchy of species speaks for itself. The order is a form of gradient.

By studying the force of gravity, we get information on the gradient. As a light element does not undergo the pressure of the weight above it. So we see that in nature by this rule, the elements thus earn their place according to defined order.

This rule is actually what causes the rule. As the rules have a defined order, and won their place in nature and science as they are worth. This rule has been the pivot that moves the world chaotic towards a structured world created by our Lord God.

In the world of God, if you do not respect the rule, you sink you, and the more high-level rules are respected, the more you grades. This is how science, it is not a question of dosage, as "it is rare that I do," it is rather a question of compliance. Perhaps politics should add other laws (or rule) higher respectable? Believing in God cannot be enough to go to heaven, we should also respect the highest level of rules! This is what the Bible teaches, but we know intuitively that the dosage does not Mathiaser, this is not the dosage, it is not I go to church every Sunday, it 'rather than follow rules also highest grade. Science is so made, to reach a level in technology, it will not be a question of dosage like "how much I invested time and money", it will rather be "rank to which information, patience, tolerance, sufficiency, am I invested myself." If public finance, private investors, employees were considering increasing the grade of their efforts in sound financial and business management, there would be no economic crisis. The rules are very important even those that are ubiquitous in our environment.

This is how science should behave... it is not enough to buy the knowledge to God with his money and his time, simply to respect the rules ... and ultimately, perhaps the non-believer should build advantage believing. As stated in the document "The element of time" (Doc # PHY-0013-EN-v1, section 1.4 and 1.5), we must bet to advance. Believing is like betting. Thus, even for scientific purposes, the individual should increase his respect for the rules, but not just the laws or the rules of the household at home, but also the rules of the Bible, precisely to raise its capacity by the rules.

All that is said here is not to solicit you to follow a religion is to explain that to increase the level of intelligence, respect for the rule is first. Science should follow this path (one path), follow one path is a way of operation with structure, and precisely a science that goes in all directions is a science with a deficient structure. It takes common goals, common objectives, it therefore takes the rules.

The first rule created by God, the one of the gradient, has a flaw. The rule is good and rewarding because it generates other rules, but there existed a flaw. The flaw was that God pushed stalling an intelligent force, the Endless for example, then one day this force arise without destroying without harm because it is smart. When the world was chaotic, there was a reason for this chaos which existed, there was God and probably other supreme deities, the supreme deities interspersed form chaos, but once God isolates the others, chaos disappears, but it does not destroy the other supreme deities in reality these other always occupied the place of chaos, and God now lives his paradise. The flaw in this story is that other supreme deities flow in a depth of God's world, and the flaw is that they can return without causing chaos because they are intelligent. The flaw in his understanding is that the other deities could unite with God and so remain well placed in the hierarchy.

This story tells us anything, it teaches us that if we sink those that are well even though our inner self we are beings well, there will be a time when those we sink will eventually make us stronger going up. Consider the couple who chicane, chaos is always isolated in the world of God, but to understand, we know that the couple being strong will eventually return in peace. But most important is that chicane the couple began when one tried to sink the other. Although necessary to put things back. Things reposition this way. The break of a couple is not due to a chicane, but a decision not to be part of the life of the other headed for other life choices. Thus, the chaos that existed no longer exists because things were replaced with this first rule. And as things are being repositioned or position themselves according to their respective place, that we are sinking and that should not sink resurface. Thus is the rule of the rule, it allows to flow, but also it allows to place the items in their place by creating order.

To remember
  1. The chaos was derived from several sources, such as the Fantastic1 and Wonderful2 (Lord God, hierarchy), theoretically of course! But what we must understand is that this rule was created by God to restore order, isolating an extreme depth chaos, which begat the world Wonderful and the first rule, the gradient.

  2. The flaw of gradient resulting in its creation itself, which is solved by itself. If we sink an element in trying to create order, he will go up where it is supposed to go. But against, for example, what is the rule of God, the other supreme deities still live this depth, except that, going back, it does not recreate the chaos because they are intelligent.

1 Fantastic: Water is represented by the chemical symbol H2O, water sink by its weight when it is grouped, but it evaporates no Mathiaser the temperature. It is a good representation to explain the place of the Endless (the Fantastic) in the world of God. The creatures of fantasy imagined by humans, as in the game "Dungeons and Dragon," his perceived as against God, according to religions. This is a mentality that would theoretically shared by some devotees of God, so we see a connection between what God would have sunk in the time of chaos, it sank the item that has a resemblance to the Fantastic theoretically. Since in front of the devotees of God, it must be forbidden to love the Fantastic, fantastic sank a person. The other element that sank the endless is the symmetries (rules applied) that isolates the endless. That's why fantastic is one of the things that God has isolated when the world was chaotic.

2 Wonderful: God is represented by the wonders that make his creatures, pyramids, temples, up to the towers reaching high altitude, the Titanic, the wonderful moon missions, poetry and art that overflows with gratitude doing the hang of things wonderful to admire, the exquisite beauty of the models, the wonders are what is striking in the world. Stories do not speak dragon, nor magic, reach a wonderful and popular aspect in the world, they receive the Nobel Prize. And great prophets who work miracles instead of magic. Different of the fantastic that does not reach great popularity. Whatever such as the fault of the rule, the fantasy ended up in its depths and form these days, compared to the early 1900s, blockbuster movies such as Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, Twilight, etc., video games and popular novels. These successes demonstrate the successful integration of the fantastic without causing chaos.

Figure 2 – God living in the time of chaos

Figure 2 – God living in the time of chaos

Artistic view

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