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The secret of Endless

Secret of endless
The secret of Endless
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Updated: 2013-09-17

Created: 2013-09-17

Type: Document

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Endless

The Endless is a dimension that is not part of reality as we know it. The Endless is in reality the absence of symmetries (see document "The secret of Symmetries, doc # PHY-0011-v1-EN). As you must imagine that the symmetries are constructed, we must imagine as they are not all built, and this is what creates the idea that the Endless therefore exists.

The Endless is also a field of study that was originally the discovery of symmetries. But obviously symmetries and Endless are two fields of study completely distinguished. However, there are advantages to consider aspects of these two fields of study.

The Endless is a study that was born from research on the fantastic side of science. Initially, the Endless should be a simple way to organize information, but great ideas are born of the organization fantastic. And later Matheus became an expert in organizing fantastic elements, which led to a multitude of new ideas that could be generated from how to organize things.

The organization is what is covered by the study on the Endless. We can acquire many asset to create symmetries from the organization fantastic. Without falling in childhood, while remaining serious to use only the key ideas of the Endless, not to mention imaginary things, so we can stay well grounded in reality and explore new ways of organizing information for be extremely useful knowledge.

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1.1 Absence of opportunities

This idea of creating opportunities belongs to the symmetry, and therefore we must suppress the creation of the universe of possibilities with the Endless. Here, it is to imagine how things could be organized if we remove the concept of possibilities, and it is also necessary that we create the organization of things differently.

As the possibilities are the limits of reality, Endless plays a role added opportunities, but not the same opportunities, as the symmetries still remain a privilege compared to the Endless. So, always choose to build knowledge first with symmetries, and then to bring a touch of fantasy, we can use the Endless to integrate knowledge (generated by symmetry).

The defect of Endless is that there is no compasses elements. But it is a defect that we're changing with symmetries. As an example, part of the Endless could be a turning wheel. Here, the wheel turns on itself, on the same space. So the usefulness of the Endless is that it always uses the same element. Thus, the Endless never sees limits, we do not know when the wheel will stop turning. But with the symmetry, the wheel will not rotate when in contact with something, and there is a symmetry.

What we can conclude is that this example is only one possibility: the wheel stops spinning. Otherwise, to understand the Endless, the spinning wheel never turned. Paradox, yes. If the wheel turns, it's the fact that something turned otherwise it cannot rotate because it turns the possibility does not exist with the Endless.

So is the Endless, it does not exist, but it can exist at the same time it does not exist, it will depend on other elements that accompany symmetrical or not.

The Endless view of a round is that this round itself does not exist without the circle (symmetry). So you understand that fantasy is paradoxically exist at the same time there doesn't exist with absence of symmetry.

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1.2 The secret

You may question you on why the existence of man and woman. There is a secret to understand that why there are 2 different sexes.

The secret of the Endless is as drawn on the cover of this document is that Endless is single, while Symmetry is the action of two elements. Thus it may be, neither the man nor the woman exist without the other, because otherwise the single element (endless) does not exist paradoxically as explained in the previous section.

So now you understand the science, if the hot and cold at the same time there is that neither one nor the other one exists. So now you understand completely the secret symmetries together with the secret of Endless.

The secret of Endless demonstrates that creation is caused by supernatural elements that are neither origin of Endless nor origin of symmetry. The secret is that the supernatural exists since in reality the only symmetric element actually exists at time "0" is that the Endless exists paradoxically and form symmetry with the supernatural.

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