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No 40 - Life has no direction, it always follows a path of destiny

This newsletter was the beginning of a marketing campaign to support the cause of man: this campaign began on December 3th, 2024. It deals with a subject that will get many people talking.

Updated: 2024-12-03

Created on: 2024-12-03

Type: Newsletter

Although I am not homophobic, I am sin-phobic, we will shed light on how the brain can fabricate on the issue of sexual orientation, and furthermore, how fate does not condemn us, but sets us free.

In the wave of people believing in the issue of homosexuality as a choice, they will be very sad to learn that sexual orientation is not a free choice. We are born male or female by universal pressures. These universal pressures, of society as well as of our environment, which weigh on the life of a man or a woman will influence his or her choices. Obviously, those who choose sin are those whose antecedents weigh on their conscience and who choose the easiest one.

Here, it is clear that life does not condemn us to make choices. We always have a choice. Freedom teaches us that in our minds, our hearts too, we weigh the pros or cons of an idea and why certain choices seem difficult. Obviously, it is necessary to enrich ourselves with this science, called Martial Law, that is to say the Law that comes from Mars (my nickname), to face our choices. Because the lack of knowledge and intelligence confuses people. When a blur is created, it is because there is no precise picture of how things are going. Thus, a mystery still lurked around the question of “sexual orientation”. But with Matheus’ research, a clarification comes to light concerning this mystery: gays always backward from the choice of a partner... Because the obvious choice is to assume one’s heterosexuality which comes with the path of destiny. By going backwards, the brain revisits the choices of the past, but they go hollow, because the first destiny of a human being is his sex.

It is that we are not condemned by the way of fate, our personality, our behaviors, our tastes, our sex will be affected and will forge what we are. The only thing we can say is that you’ve been there.

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