Whether you are gay or interrosexual, sin makes you stupid. This news will show you that the mind is affected by sin… And you will no longer be able to ignore it, you will be completely transformed. After reading this news, most gays, lesbians, and transgenders will eventually become interrosexuals again, and interrosexuals will be as cautious as they are in sin. We are talking here about only a few sins. To succeed in eliminating sin, we must gradually integrate Martial Law into the center of our habits and correct our morals if necessary… Because otherwise you will be struck by ignorance and it will greatly affect you with monumental errors.
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First of all, I have had to meet gays several times in work and friendship relationships, but I have always been an interrosexual. The first story to tell is the example of a gay man who got into a fight with me because he thought I cut him off when he was talking. I put him in his place by being like a wall not accepting the insult of making this kind of mistake.
Let us examine the sin of this man who does not like to be cut off. It’s the same for a friend who was in favor of Pride and didn’t like to be cut. Well, my judgment tells me that gay people are all affected by the same consequence, and have difficulty taking their place in an intersexual relationship. And they don’t feel comfortable and he decides to choose the same sex for one major reason: attention management when they have to pay attention to a conversation. This problem arises because they do not do as the elite divide the attention partially on inputs and outputs. They also feel persecuted by conversation, as if we had to imitate a long and vigorous trial. When in reality, an elite conversation relies on the effectiveness of the words chosen as a game of chess connected by a time counter.
You have to put the right word at the right time. You have to know how to introduce words into a conversation, those who are artists know what I want to talk about. The art of language is therefore to take its place. In a conversation where there is friendship, the other is not the enemy, and therefore we must trust the others who prevent us from falling hollow into a predictable discourse.
Imagine that the person is annoying and that you should hear all the burdens they have to say. That’s not how you conduct a debate or a conversation… Everyone’s games take their turn, limiting the richness of interactions. First of all, it is not out of disrespect that we should interrupt, it is through the process of correction. To correct a person like this, we have to interrupt their morals and intervene where the problem lies. As the politician intervenes during the COVID pandemic and not after… Would you see a politician saying, “Let the virus speak and kill victims and then intervene!” We have to interrupt to correct a dramatic situation.
Moreover, this is not only the root of the problem… interrupting is the consequence. The bottom line is that it becomes a role-playing game. A role-playing game like Dungeon & Dragons is okay because it’s a game. But when it is a serious conversation with the opposite sex, it is forbidden to break the peace, alliance, or complicity of such a relationship. While role-playing… me in the ass and then it’s my turn… or lecture me and then I’ll tell you what I think of your insignificant information. While a couple interrosexual progresses and have fun at the same time. This is where my judgment comes in… If there is no possibility of sharing an idea, the conversation does not take place… There is only role-playing. Do you also see the judgment on the rich too: “wait until I get rich, and for the poor, I will take care of them later”. To get rich, you have to learn to make money quickly and not save on the share you have to share with others. My judgment interrupts those who do not bring in their intelligence “at the same time”. It affects the brain… They wait until the left brain is finished before bringing in the right. American politics is noble because it does not wait for the next election before the opposition speaks out. That’s the difference with the communist. The communist wants to finish his eternal turn before bringing in the other party. Hitler also acted in the same way by preventing other competing parties from dialogue. Role-playing is good in Dungeon & Dragons, but not for seriousness.
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The other story that comes to mind is the time when an ex-boss insulted me by abruptly interrupting me on a project… I held back that time to keep my job, but he’s going to have his cold shower when he reads this news. First, I had been assigned a programming project in a so-called “entry” department in a company, and then the gay boss intervened after I had made the plans for the program by saying, “You should have checked if the software existed?” [Yelling and being applauded by a persecutor] Then well, I stopped the project… I don’t care about him… Then finally, joining the company was just a lie to keep its employees longer on unrewarding tasks, as many companies do.
But my judgment begins by saying that this gay man hated one of these spouses to the point of not being able to sleep because it’s hard to let the other flourish when the man or the woman has nothing in common. If he made a choice of woman based on appearance, as he does employee choices, it is certain that the promises are great at the beginning, but that the goods are not delivered. Some gays have this problem, they promise that Pride will help the world, when this parade wants nothing more than to make sin liberals. There is no interest in interrosexual in this parade. Now that we know that currently sin kills babies through the sudden death syndrome and after babies, it will be the turn of the weakest, but not physically, those who are weak in intelligence such as the crazy, the normal (the neutral)… This wave of suppression of souls will only be limited by sweeping away all the weak except the elites who will not be saturated. I invite you to read the documents “The Next Universal Extinction - The Big Crash” (doc# NEW-PHY-0001-v1-EN) and “The Sinner, the Fool and the Last Judgment” (doc# NEW-HEA-0006-v1-EN).
Some will want to manipulate simply by raising expectations. Whether it’s for a job, for a stock market bond or for sex, etc. manipulators manipulate the world like this… also called by the expression the lure of gain, but in the sense that other players play fishing by manipulating others. Cults also manipulate under the pretext that respecting a certain invented rule will allow them to reach paradise. Or politicians promise more than they can. Raising expectations becomes the number one way to manipulate, and that’s a sin. God learns to be fair to people. In psychiatry, too, psychiatrists manipulate patients by touting the invented virtues of drugs in the form that they are the best remedy available for the patient, while in Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard invented technologies (evolutionary methods) more advanced than the pill by teaching dianetics to people and even better. And the Martial Law completes with a proven method also with advanced Dianetics which makes it possible to counterweight the problems by bringing truth to lies for example. This is because people must learn to be fair by studying Martial Law to develop the ability to measure the words of manipulators. Scientologists will agree with me that L. Ron Hubbard was a genius, and Mars is a genius with far greater means. For this reason, the importance of truth in Martial Law can have highly positive effects in Scientology and in all the other churches of the world to prevent people from being manipulated by those who raise expectations. And, in conclusion, to this section, the problem of the gay man is that he wants to raise expectations for same-sex relationships, when it’s just an aisle who has nothing else to offer!
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The third story that comes to mind is the story of a gay boss who once insulted me by getting angry and saying that I had to believe everything he said because he boasted that he had checked everything and knew everything, and then I got angry in turn saying that I too was angry with him, and with good reason.
My judgment is this, if gays believe only in themselves, but not in others… what is the point of inquiring… since it comes from others? Denigrating someone because you loaded your weapon with knowledge before is not very intelligent. And as Jesus says about this gay man: “This druid who wants to save the planet in the name of no one, kills. Because he seeks to please by wanting to make people talk about him by putting himself against chemical formulas. But piety (being in the service of God) teaches us that wanting to get rid of those we believe to be useless is to be neutral. We must agree not to be neutral, as my Father teaches.”
Knowledge is not universal by the weak, but that of the elites tends to agree better in universal plans. When knowledge is used as a weapon to kill and prevent others from believing in what they want, it is a sign that these weak people are going to be barred from the road. And that’s what happens in the Christian churches that are right with God and the Holy Bible, gay people get blocked from the road… then the LGBTQ scam that it’s Christians who are filled with hatred (when you read their ad in the Montreal metro: “We must not forget that this is 365 days of hatred against LGBTQ”), while Christians believe in what they want, and believe that being gay is a sin as the Holy Bible teaches. This lack of intelligence on the part of some gays is caused by the fact that one cannot deviate from the belief. You have to deal with belief. If these gays fill themselves with knowledge and then try to use it against belief, as atheists do by the way and atheist scientists, I presume these bands of weaklings want to divide knowledge, and then belief teaches universal values with one universal God in the universe, who unites, but atheists and LGBTQ teach the world the opposite… It has become the point where it is the black hole that is the source of life according to some atheist scientists…!?! The so-called “black holes“ are parasitic stars that collect the energy of light in the center and swirl this energy around, it is only a flat disk and not a hole. In a ray of light, there is more than light… It is several dimensions and at the end of a certain path, depending on the power of the star, the ray loses its brightness and becomes black, since other dimensions of the ray continue the path.
If we were to talk about belief… This is the first phase of intelligence manifested by the spirit.
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The other story is a case already known in Alberta… A cameraman filmed gays at Pride doing things in public without scruples. Then the LGBTA chased him 2 times… The second time, they claimed that no homophobia expert had given advice at the first verdict. I once went to a hospital with a gay man who tried to masturbate in my presence, it wasn’t long before the medical authorities changed his room and told him to use the toilet for this kind of thing.
But here comes the judgment of Mars. There is no such thing as an expert in homophobia. Gay people themselves do not even understand the cause for which they are gay: it is Mars who saves them from sin. And what’s more, there is no profession that has more than 15 university courses in homophobia as a subject to create any kind of expert. Usually, there is room on the job market for an expert, but in the case of homophobic expertise, there is no job for this type of expertise, which is non-existent. The LGBTA lied to the judge about the alleged expertise. The court should have rejected this kind of lawsuit to hide the fact that gays have modesty problems… it wouldn’t surprise me if some even try to get their asses in front of children while education under Trudeau lets gays kiss in front of a classroom to show young people how they do it.
To do the thing without marriage is adultery, and to do it in public with the public is multiple times adultery. The problem cannot be corrected by allowing the blasphemous use of the word “marriage” for gays. The problem is that gays have personality problems. When you have a reputation to save, it doesn’t happen with the gay… But for those who have no social reputation to save, they don’t give a damn about exhibitionism and pornography on free image sites and free social networks.
What ruins intelligence is not nakedness, but using it as bait. That’s why we wear clothing as protection. Some gays, their problem is that they play fishing among themselves and therefore cannot establish a private modesty in a stable couple. It’s an unstable couple. A gay man at the hospital even said that in his opinion, gays could not do the thing without taking drugs, according to the entourage he knew. They don’t all take drugs like André Bois-Claire, but there are many ways to fight against instability… As the atoms created by man on the periodic table are not supported in the universe, the same thing for a gay couple, the instability is more and more increasing and ruins the intelligence, because in the interro couple the man validates himself with his wife, and vice versa. This duality of man and woman is the basis of what I call a personality with a couple forming one flesh. The stable couple is first and foremost the one who marries in a good Christian Church in good standing with God and also the one who has hobbies such as cocooning, family mutual aid, this special way of making one’s partner laugh, or the exceptional emotional support provided by a trusted partner, as well as all the mutual support provided in an interro couple. The couple does not deteriorate if people go to church and especially if they are in good standing with God, in addition to the Law of Mars. Making love is sacred, it’s a sign that the 2 are ready to start a family eventually, and not ready to. Like the elite rank in intelligence, the success of a couple is to plan a second life for the couple and so on. If you plan the death of the couple, it is already a sign that instability is setting in.
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The last story that comes to mind so far is that of a transsexual roommate who had his penis removed for a semblance of a vagina that is in fact just a deformation of the body. This one he was preoccupied with wanting the 2 other roommates, including myself, to wash the toilet every time they use it! After he wrote messages all over the rooming house, I had to argue with it because he was beginning to insist on his zeal for housekeeping rigorously… So, I had to make the wall once again and settle his score (without violence, but with firmness). Eventually, he moved to live with a gay man, complaining that the rooming house had been the worst place of his life.
Here is my judgment. As he regretted having had surgery because no one wanted to hire him according to his words: I must admit that between keeping my penis or keeping a dress, I choose to keep my penis. But he in his head openly believed that surgery and hormones would make him a woman… Women are women in body and mind… It’s not just the body, it’s also the soul, which is a woman. In fact, sex is the soul in the first place… This is the beginning where the body takes shape even before the formation of the sexual organs. Nature is well made for the universe to support as many women as men, because of universal pressures. But if the trans person wants to give up his soul, it’s like wanting to be a person that we are not in reality, because as said the change of the body will not change the soul.
The problem lies in the fact that the transsexual has regret and does not live comfortably with regret. Sin causes people to have regretted even if they are atheists. Many who were corrected by prison felt regret for their actions that it put them in trouble in the end. Regret is accumulating for those who do not ask for forgiveness. The transsexual should have said to himself, “Let us forgive my God, for I have had hatred for my own soul that you have given me, which is me, which is my life and which follows me everywhere.” Not loving each other is one thing, but going to the delicatessen is less fun afterwards, because it would be irreversible, unless Mars didn’t invent a 3D printer for organs one day. It is better to learn to love ourselves and to ask forgiveness for the regrets of our sins. As well as abandoning the idea that changing one’s soul is possible, it will not be possible even with the most Hi-Tech of technologies… Sex is given by the universe, universal pressures that weigh on one or the other, and then you are born in a body with your sex.
And it’s not good that the Olympic Committee, as well as combat sports organizations, finds it joyful to give transsexuals the chance to fight for trophies and medals against women… Women also have the right to their spiritual identity, which is their soul. A woman is not just a bundle of nerve and walking matter. It is not said to love a woman just for her body, it is a lack of respect in romantic relationships and it creates a lack of intelligence in men as explained in Section 3. The universe has transposed its forces into the soul of a woman, the same for men, but not the same forces. You can’t compare a man and a woman in a boxing ring. Women have the right to as much opportunity as men in competitions. There is no transsexual woman who competes against a man in combat sports… We do not see the other way around.
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