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Do magic

Do magic
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Updated: 2014-01-22

Created: 2014-01-22

Type: Document

Chapter 1 – Introduction to magic

Magic has always fascinated by the multitude of examples that we have seen in films and fanciful as the writings of the Bible. Thus, in general, the world believes that this is not in scope and can not join. But with this document, you will see that it gets closer.

If the sages had joined the study of magic, if magic acts in movies were seen as something that the wise can learn by trying to develop it, then probably the world today would be endowed magic. Wisdom could be used to develop the magic. If magic was something considered wise, we would not be in to have zero elements in our hands about magic.

Fortunately that people believe in magic. That does not leave us to despair that it is impossible. But now if we fail to transmit, it's because nobody has yet succeeded in structuring knowledge about magic. The mysterious aspect of magic causes a disruption of views. But we will fix it a little.

The best thing is not only to believe it, but also to see it. There are many novels and games (such as Dungeon & Dragon) developing fantastic uses of magic. Obviously, not everything can be done overnight, so it will only start with what we can and then go forward. But above all, it must be valuable recipe that is presented in this document that is a base.

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1.1 Reverse the reality

The first thing to do is actually something stupid that everyone can do, it is to say reverse reality. This does not mean doing the opposite of what to do. That means back to the basics, back off from reality to find an understanding of reality that is not the same as if we are all the time to this reality.

The best way to reverse the reality is to use symmetries1 to build an understanding of reality. Thus, reverse is still difficult at first because it is as if we were fighting our passive attitude to enlist to reality.

The secret to reverse reality translates as follows: you have to escape by tying the dominant thought.

The prevailing thought is not widely used by the population and you could ignore what I would like to share. In fact, the prevailing thought is never used systematically. You use your prevailing thought when there is such a small voice (say) that tells you that an action is good or bad, only when it comes to something important in general. So, think about your mental state when you have an important decision to make, you use all your resources systematically, and among these resources, there is the dominant thought.

The best way to use its dominant thought results in stimulating with escape from reality. So you learn to develop a part of you that resides in you and not just alter reality but comes inverted because this way you can see the two ends, with reality and not reality, simultaneously.

1 See document "The secret of Symmetries," Doc# PHY-0011-v1-EN.

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1.2 How to assert himself

People often say that we have to assert himself, but these people do they know what they are talking? Probably not, and certainly not that they do not know. Jesus was right: "The human does not know what he's doing." Now reading this section you will learn how you assert.

Imagine that you have a profound Jesus kindness. The depth is not automatic, and it also depends on the ability of the person. Well, as an exercise, to learn to be assertive, then reduce your kindness in the moment when you cross wickedness. So if you face your demons2, that is how you assert yourself. Because the depth increases as you face your demons, and so you will be able to be kinder than you are currently whenever you face your demons, and do not stay with this natural fear: demons can compete within us.

It is not surprising that people who confronted Jesus end up hating because Jesus had learned to assert himself, he had learned to face his demons inside him and become kinder every time. People do not hate you because you are asserting yourself. Instead, civilization has evolved, and today we listen masters. But crackpots in our modern society can still be jealous of those who have great depth in their kindness, we must remain vigilant.

Being assertive does not mean to complain. When we face our inner demons, we are moving towards the path of spontaneous and assertive communication, which has the impact to always have good things to say, regardless of the conditioning, and so can also preserve emotions.

Whenever you have a conversation, practice you face your demons even during a conversation. More people will see the kindness in you, the more you will be successful in your life. It happens that people make you lose your kindness, once again face these new demons as your limits are not reached.

The magic is thus, to do magic and reverse reality, it will be necessary to face our inner demons of reality. So, imagine that you have a very profound reality, but is not automatic, so you have to face your demons to be more realistic. Let's be realistic, magic exists and we will do it!

2 Means not a creature in this context, but rather the perception of the evil that makes us afraid, we are afraid to be wicked.

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1.3 Require the franchise

In life, most people are naive, even those who say less naive are anyway. Reading this new section, you should be able to no longer fall into the trap that people taste the lies circulated by others, then scoop the penalty that follows. Your vision will not be barred now.

You know and I know that when you have nothing nice to say that pleases to the whole pack, the chaos begins. What to do? We will require the franchise by the one and only way I'll introduce you.

First, even if he make not realize what they are doing for you to taste a lie for you assume it, you now know that it just draws you in with food, not food for your dietary needs, but food (words) that really does not cost much, and who is there to lead you by the nose. This kind of food is given the same technique as the witch attracts children Hansel and Gretel to make them the way he wants. Thus, in a conversation, it is better not taste the food, even the people you trust, because it could be a lie to someone else.

Jesus said: "Instead of giving them fish, show them how to fish." This is the best remedy. Go take your new yourself, or not to be seduced by what you want to learn, etc. Nobody should lead with lies, do not let others build your vision with these lies.

But obviously, there is another solution, trust pure people. Pure people are pitiful like me and are beautiful models.

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1.4 How to cure his soul

Obviously, meditation heals partly misery that can be felt, but there is also another way to heal. This is another way of healing the soul itself.

To give you an idea of the soul, the soul is what dominates intelligence. A brain can not function without a soul, otherwise it would look like a robot. Intelligence, you know is not the master of yourself. Even if you're smart, you're over intelligence. Animals also are smart, except that humans have a soul superior to animals, and this is what causes it to be higher. Killer whales have bigger brains than humans and are not superior. So it is important to know that it is the soul that dominates intelligence.

In addition, the soul can require things while alone intelligence requires nothing. Ironically, imagine a robot that becomes demanding, it cannot exist. The human is not comparable to an animal, because the human requires more than the animal, this is what also characterizes the superiority of the human face to the animal. It is very likely that the Angel is a being very demanding, more demanding than human.

A method of healing of the soul is to listen obeying the requirement. If you let your intelligence predominate as a value, you become sick. The soul must dominate without constraint on your intelligence. As well as the reasoning intelligence are not valid. If a man goes crazy, it's probably because he does not listen to his soul, and ends up leaving his intelligence complete his journey of life. Listen to this required the soul, is to listen. Intelligence is not what resonates is what the fruit of the soul. If your soul is sick because you listen to least, it means that your intelligence is like bad fruit. Remember the parable of Jesus: "If the tree is bad, it will always give bad fruit if the tree is good, he always give good fruit", here the tree is the soul, the fruit is intelligence. Be less crazy, and put you to listen to what you demand to the bottom of yourself.

The requirement can cure and prevent many degenerative diseases. The requirement as to have a healthy lifestyle is also a way to prevent many diseases. If people do not lose their requirement, would suffer much less. It should also be noted that the requirement can also be transmitted from generation to generation, and that if people are involved to become beings who do not listen to the others persons requirements as it is perverse to corrupt society, and good people should always be careful not to let others corrupt them. Do not fall sick more, heal yourself with all the recommendations in this section.

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1.5 The matrix

To identify the forces of the soul, just know that your soul learns over what you see or hear, in reality you should at least be multiplied by 10 learning beyond what you see or hear. This multiplication of the knowledge is due to the matrix. At this point, the matrix is still unknown.

Intelligence is not deep, but your soul is. And it is also because of the matrix that your soul is deep. When you receive knowledge, there is an impact. You are all aware of the impact of knowledge, we only mention the impact on your mood, but the impact is deep. Be conscious that deep within you: therefore have realized that this is the matrix that creates profound impact.

Your feelings are not just a feel thing, they are deep. The matrix makes you detect this depth, it is so that you are conscious of a feeling.

To view the matrix, just use symbols, as follows, in order to examine the depth. Here are the symbols (see figure 1.1 bellow):

Figure 1.1 – Example of symbols defining the matrix

Figure 1.1 – Example of symbols defining the matrix

These symbols are used to create a labyrinth if you will, but it is actually a way to create random number sequences to infinite if these symbols are combined with the symbols of numbers. The matrix can be either linear (which reads a line, so two directions: left and right) or on a Cartesian plane going in 4 directions (up, down, left and right) or even if you want 3-dimensional (6 to 14 meaning sense, as also including diagonals), and even if you want to combine with other matrices (multiple dimensions). Note also the possibility of creating hierarchies, increasing the active paths of the matrix.

Now you see that the matrix has an unlimited depth, but we might as well add a symbol to end, when this symbol is encountered, it would end a path.

Build a matrix is quite simple after all. But the purpose of this matrix is to show you that the reasoning intelligence (your brain) do not have matrix physically. There is therefore a non-material part that works the way your brain and contributes to its operation. We can see the brain as a video game controller which is controlled by your soul.

You also guess that if the matrix with words is combined we create intelligence you have. The matrix is somehow also what is the definition of space recreated as we also define in the document "The Keys of physics" (doc# PHY-0009-v1-EN).

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1.6 The complicity

Complicity is something that pleases your soul. Does not feel alone is not intelligence, it is not just a feeling, it is an accomplishment. In a couple that is fragile, it is the absence of complicity makes the fragile couple. But here the reasoning that we must make is that now you know that your soul is nourished by complicity.

Complicity is not easy, it also requires in 2 directions, in the couple (for example) each complements the action of the other. If we are not vigilant, we tend to believe that we can make our own activities. In fact, all human behaviors are divided when it is alone, that's how we need to have the complicity.

How to understand the complicity? It is corresponding to a common matrix. In a broad sense, love, help each other, share, etc. requires that we serve a part of our soul so that we reason to satisfy each other. And it is not always easy, but greater complicity stronger soul that you have. So the complicity is what makes the strong soul.

To understand how to create the complicity, consider the law: if you "avoid" the law, you are not complicit. So is the complicity, we should not "avoid" others, or your partner, or your neighbors or colleagues, etc. Thus, to promote complicity, it is important not to try to "avoid" someone.

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1.7 The non-uniform Cartesian plane

It is necessary here to talk a little math to understand the magic. As magic is a form of power that is not explicitly in a natural sense (because it can be produced by creatures with a higher level of intelligence to the animal), so it is necessary to understand this form of power appears to be inconsistent of the other things. This is simply because it is not obvious to those who do their usual routine, this is not an inconsistency, it is natural.

With the knowledge of the matrix (Section 1.5), we can move to the next step which is drawing with a non-uniform Cartesian or says "atomic pixel" (name designated to represent the smallest element that can exist).

Figure 1.2 – Symbols of a matrix to create a Cartesian

Figure 1.2 – Symbols of a matrix to create a Cartesian

According to Figure 1.2, using the first symbol (red), it creates a point positioned in the middle of the following 2 points in the Cartesian plane if we draw the distribution of points with a matrix. So it does not create a Cartesian with a uniform distribution of point such as mathematics usually teach.

If we use the symbol in blue after an ordinary point to draw the Cartesian graph, this would mean that we are entering the inner dimension of the point, so now here we are with the 4th dimension in the logical sense of the mathematics.

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1.8 The enterlaced

In a matrix, the interlaced defines itself as a way to create simultaneous operations, which lasts until a rallying point. Create a segment by interlaced may be faster or slower than the joint segment, which makes it impossible to perform a matrix interlaced without considering the effect of time. With a computer, it is possible to create interlaced even if such a system is sequential.

Figure 1.3 – Execution logic of interlaced

Figure 1.3 – Execution logic of interlaced

Figure 1.4 – Execution defined of interlaced

Figure 1.4 – Execution defined of interlaced

In Figure 1.4, we show how the sequential execution is defined for interlaced. The top matrix segment contains the suites of yellow, blue and red, while the lower segment contains suites of orange, green and purple. The colors are a result of a gradient, which can reconstruct the matrix (the numbers sources). Reading creates each box assemblies colors (2 colors put together) and also each source color whose the simultaneous execution can go over to the displacement of the dotted line when reading. So the sequential execution is possible for the crisscross on a computer.

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1.9 Magic zip

Magic compression is explained in detail in the document called "Infinite compression data" (doc# MAT-0003-v1-EN).

Now that we have seen the matrix and interlaced, we understand better the origin of the soul and its operation. The matrix is responsible for the creation of all smart structures in the universe. Thus, an intelligent structure can be very complex, and thereby to support these structures is that they are stored in an infinite memory. Following the study of matrices and interlaced the author has invented a form of computer data compression that is magical itself.

Computer systems use binary numbers (base 2). A binary number is composed of only two symbols instead of 10 as we are accustomed to see. So a binary number 2 memory spaces generates four possibilities: "00", "01", "10" and "11". A binary number of 3 memory spaces generates 8 possibilities: "000", "001", "010", "011", "100", "101", "110" and "111". And so on. At 8 memory spaces, there are 256 possibilities. We understand that for each memory space, the number of potential duplicate.

The reason that I'm telling you it's magic, it's a small amount of data cannot logically generate a huge amount of data. Magic compression is based on the discovery of the use of the recreated space that is a concept developed by studying endless. The endless is a concept explained in the document "The Secret of Endless" (doc# PHY-0012-v1-EN).

Obviously, it is easy to believe that this compression algorithm is mathematical at first sight, but in reality, it is truly magical. Yes, we use mathematical and logic that stands, but because we use science to develop this algorithm, it is not the simple math. It is a concept that is supported with the study of magic, so it is magical, because we use the science of magic to run this compression algorithm. Remember Section 1.1 of this document which says that reversing the reality can see things in a different light, and also the other sections until the matrix and interlaced.

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1.10 Conclusion

In this chapter, you were set to magic. You saw that we could create useful and promising knowledge with what we now call magic in the truest sense of the word. It is important to have frame to understand the magic, because it is not an easy science. In addition, although often they are religions that develop discourses about magic, so why this document is primarily a document of wisdom that is in the world to promote the benefits and well-founded magic.

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Chapter 2 – Structure created by the time

Time is one of the main primary elements as explained in the first part of the document "The keys of physics" (doc# PHY-0009-v1-EN), the first key "The science of creation." We talk time. Let us know from the beginning that the time will be a valuable contribution in structures.

Firstly, if you observe all trades, studies or any form of learning that create achievements require experience before you can perform complex tasks. It is precisely the complexity things demonstrate the quality and a work accomplished.

The time is therefore essential to create complex structures. Whoever says "Keep it simple and stupid things" (as Steve Jobs, founder of Apple said the company) is in error. Asking people to do things more simple is to bring them back to the childhood capacity. Think of assembly lines, work is very simplistic for the worker and asks them to perform repetitive tasks without complexity. This kills the creativity of the employee. No creative being is interested in jobs on assembly lines. To grow, we must see that the complexity promotes creativity.

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2.1 Prediction

Prediction in the true sense does not mean "forecast". It is very important to distinguish between two words, because they are not synonymous here. Prediction means guessing without clue after something. Here, "no clue" is important.

If you take for example different colors and one of them changed in the future, you can predict that the color will change, but all others remain the same as they are now. The above example is to illustrate good prediction, however, we must coordinate in terms of structure, because the structure is what we need to predict. Over the evolution of a structure is, the better we can predict. This last point is important, because it is good to change the structure without being supported by a visible need any yet, but this will be a much needed in the future.

Are we afraid of making a mistake in predicting? Yes probably, and certainly it is possible that we were wrong. However, this is not a rebuttable error. In other words it is a voluntary error. Thus, there is a good old saying "we learn with our mistakes," we learn here voluntarily. In the context of structures, the error does not cause failure, it creates unnecessary things only. We said in the "Profit" (doc# ECO-0001-v1-EN) that profit is the excess of something. Without excessive information, it is impossible to create stronger and more advanced structures before his time. Here it is indeed a race against time and move faster than normal. So if we cause excess (error) in reflection, it does not affect reality. What we do concrete are some things we have learned with reflection. By thinking this way, you think well about it.

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2.2 Advanced structure

Quality is the driving force to create advanced structures. The better the quality is present in a structure, the structure becomes more complex, and it becomes more promising. Thus, we can accelerate the work of time by simply boosting quality. But still we must be able to see the quality and also exhaust defects. Defects are there, and the task of the researcher, engineer, technician and worker is to ensure the elimination of defects by adding quality. And after removal of defects, it will be able to add quality beyond the elimination of defects.

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2.3 Strengths and weaknesses

Be conscious of a very important element for forestall the time. Consider the strengths and weaknesses. If for example you have a weakness, whatever you build, this weakness appears in what you do.

To get to create without weakness, it is difficult, but not impossible. Make an honest assessment of your weaknesses and try to identify as much as possible. Be conscious that even when you read something, hear, or receive information, you process it, and your weaknesses appear in how you treat it. Be conscious. Then, team up with people who can give you something more, so that does not have the same weaknesses as you. Do not attempt to debate the strongest, it would hurt. Consider a group of strengths, and try to compensate each weakness of each member of your team to get to be free from weakness in the final work you have to do. It is not perfect to work thus, but it is much better. And do not judge the final product, rather judge each element that makes up the final product. The omission of an element can also be a sign of weakness. Be vigilant.

A being with no weakness, assume that it can exist, would build much more slowly, but more surely, he made sure to have all forces to hand.

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2.4 The support

To contain such a matrix, we need support. In everything that we add to a final product, something must support each of the elements that we add. It can have different types of support for each element of a composition, but the support selected will determine the advanced. Indeed, all the secrets of a composition (machine, work of art, mathematical formula, text, theory, etc.) are played when a support that goes with it is applied. We can go back to our composition and add a suitable carrier, however it becomes very complex back without pushing all elements of our composition. Sometimes we are stuck with something: imagine that you have an investment in machinery to build a product, and eventually you realize it would have taken another feature on a machine, then replace it requires you to lose part of your investment, and what it should avoid going back.

The support will determine the quality and complexity of your final work. References of a text are somehow a form of support which adds to other supports. In the texts of Matheus, we find little reference is because it is not absolutely necessary to have: the argument of a text should not be based on references, but rather in Matheus the case, be based on creative and original ideas. The support is not necessarily better if encompass all possible supports. Think of a dish, we choose foods that compose it. And must be the science, understanding something does not incorporate all the concepts of existing knowledge. Which reinforces the science is the appropriate support that we choose to understand knowledge.

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2.5 The frame

The first evidence of the existence of a frame in our universe is the circle. In other words, even the roundness of an atom is defined by a frame round shape. The circle is a frame that is. If you were to draw an indivisible point, you would be able to do? Logically, we could divide a point at infinity, but the trick is to understand the frame is not divided. What we call here a frame is a barrier, but not necessarily a limit, it is a barrier to indicate that there is something there. With a little existentialism believe that the frame is the thing and not a measure.

We can create a Cartesian plane known as "framed", and this plan contains two axes for the abscissa "X" and ordered "Y", then we would add two other axes ("FX" and "FY") which units and micro units never touches those of axes "X" and "Y". As a trait is a division and not a space occupied, it is simple. The goal? Create coordinated square (fusion of "X" with "FY" and merging "Y" with "FX"), that create a square with the infinitely small scale. This new square becomes a frame.

The framework serves to demonstrate to you that measure with the space it creates varieties in the measurement and is not enough to find a perfect precision. The same also occurs when we want to find resigning about something, the variance in individuals does not produce accurated finality. What happens generally is that people are looking for the absence of contradiction, and when he gets the consent of the majority, it confirms their illusory they are right because here you do not get the accuracy, but rather the lack of contradiction.

And to accurately measure, it will use the time. Time should not be measured, but rather should be used to measure. To accurately measure, we must use the origin of a point in time for example using a stable phenomenon (such as electricity) to measure with great precision. As it is like we mesure our efforts from the origin of what push you to make all these efforts.

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2.6 Conclusion

Here we teach you some useful wisdom that will help you, but it is not less than the time is a primary element, and therefore it is to itself the trouble that we study it in depth. Time for some people does not exist since according to them it would come from mechanical motion. We could also say with this false sense that white does not exist and that all other colors exist. It is easy to say that time does not exist and that the other elements exist. But in reality, time does exist, only the world did not have enough study time!

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