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Almanac 2020

Almanac 2020
Almanac 2020
Powerpoint file
Updated: 2019-03-31

Created: 2019-01-27

Type: Document


  • Some astrologers don't do their homework. And people don't believe in prophecy these days. But now Mathias is going uprooting the atheists who hit the astrologers and Mathias. The stars can talk and it won't be hard to believe with the 5 fundamental keys on how to establish prophecies.

  • The "septic" who sell themselves to be in better position, with what is going to be presented, they will see that they are no more secure than those who advance on the field of astrology.

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1st fundamental key - Forecast

  • In Figure 1 that follows, it is shown to you that the widening gap between the rich and the poor is more enormous and empirical than people see it. These are forecasts. And economists also see that things will not improve in the coming times.

Figure 1 – Social classes at the comparable state

Figure 1 – Social classes at the comparable state

Figure 2 – Who supports who?

Figure 2 – Who supports who?

  • You can boost the economy to save time, but you don't earn more money with this wasted time, in the end.

  • The only stock index used is the "Down Jones"... but in reality we cannot compare this data. Currently, it is the economy of the richest 50. Is the "Down Jones" of the poor in the red? For a value to be useful, it must be compared otherwise it is a floating value. I would not be surprised if the rich float so much with their fortunes, that we cannot even rely on it to know whether or not there has been an increase in the economy... and in relation to debt, is it economic growth that we have to repay?

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2nd fundamental key – Follow

  • If the poor can't keep up with the rich, and the rich don't follow the poor either... it's like the rich man is playing a black metal melody where we don't know where he's going.

  • The same thing for parents, if the child cannot follow the parents because they treat him like an adult, imagine a baby being shown adult management lessons... or a child listening to violent programs 18 years and older. What is the child going to look like when he grows up all his life on black metal as a melody.

  • In the economy as in a business, people have to follow each other or they lose the thread and everything crumbles, family tension, tension to the job, tension between those who buy and those who sells, etc.

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3rd fundamental key – Later

  • Make a later profit so that the economy of the poor reborn.

  • Require a later performance so that employees can breathe.

  • Require later happiness so that the spouse can breathe.

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4th fundamental key – Be sober

  • The drug sabotages because the sheep leave the day to go to the darkness and fall into the net of dependence. The moral is that you want to reap profits faster and you find yourself confronted with not complying with the 3rd fundamental key "later".

  • The atheist scientist who dopes knowledge to drunken readers does not help science, because the public expects more from these scientists and scientists go towards values that does not represent any unifying structure between a scientist and another. Is that not what the Bible would teach them to unite in the love of God so as not to be lost alone in the darkness.

  • Mathias doesn't get lost. He may have fallen into a hole filled with bats like batman while leaving what leads, but he has conditioned flew like a bat to regain his freedom, and now he knows how to fly and see in the dark. Mathias knows very well that it is not always the black he wants to see, but he saw a posterity in the dark. Now it is a light for the sheep and see the horizon in the distance to bring the sheep back to the day. Be like Mathias, become enlightened and acquire wings by lightening the knowledge in the love of God that United.

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5th fundamental key – See the Prophecy

  • To illustrate what we have just discussed, let us now look at the synthesis of what we have just seen. Figure 3 below provides information about what happens when the economy becomes less dense because those over the poor at all classes of society stretches the economy up too quickly.

  • This graph shows what happens when the rich, even the less wealthy, and employees treat businesses like ATMs.

  • We can apply the view at all levels for many causes. Atheist scientists who have abandoned their faith, abandon the Bible because God does not allow himself to be treated as an ATM, because you have your ration according to your merit of how you treat your world.

Figure 3 - Density

Figure 3 - Density

Figure 4 – The prophecy

Figure 4 – The prophecy

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  • The Lord says: “The sacred invention, which makes it possible to go over the problem of the interests that are one day lost, is fragile, because people may want to go at all pace because this sacred invention is powerful. The world needs a leader who has the right to make decisions to set up this sacred invention, and this leader must be one approved by God.”

Figure 5 – Effects of the sacred invention

Figure 5 – Effects of the sacred invention

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